Eastern Iowa’s mayors speak out for MAHP
The Gazette, Sept. 11, 1999
“We find MAHP to be an important community betterment tool. It plays a vital role in our plan to sustain the vitality of our residential neighborhoods.”
Mayor Lee Clancey: Cedar Rapids
“Affordable housing is needed in Iowa County to accommodate the influx of working-class households. MAHP is helping its develop affordable housing to meet our needs.”
Mayor Boh Michalck: Victor
“Providing a broad range of housing ties together many of the economic development efforts taking place in our community. Bringing MAHP in helps us address affordable housing.”
Mayor Ed Brown: Washington
“Like most Iowa communities, Marengo has an identified need for low to moderate income housing. With help from MAHP we’re offering more contributing citizens a chance to stabilize their housing situation, which is an asset any community should welcome.”
Mayor Richard Haulekeete: Marengo
“In order to keep our school district viable and provide local industry with a workforce, we need affordable housing. Partnering with MAHP allows for new housing starts and new area families.”
Mayor James Rhinehart: Brooklyn
“Not long ago we had a big problem with just 3 houses on the market and no apartments available. MAHP has helped us change that. Today we have new homes in various stages of construction, plus new lots with water and sewer accessibility. For us, it was the right way to go.”
Mayor Lois Winegurden: Deep River
- The People Who Need Affordable Housing
- Now making a big difference in small towns.