ORCCA establishes partnership with Coos County for Community Campus project
ORCCA, Feb 12 2010
Today the Coos County Board of Commissioners approved a request from Oregon Coast Community Action to sponsor a Community Development Block Grant application for the Community Food Resource Center building, which is part of ORCCA’s Community Campus project. This new partnership will allow ORCCA to bring its vision of a three-building Community Campus to fruition and stimulate the local economy with this $7 million project.
ORCCA is also meeting with the City of North Bend next week to make a request for the sponsorship of a Community Development Block Grant application to support the construction of the Head Start classroom building. ORCCA is also in discussion with the Coos County Airport District in order to utilize parcels of land within the airport district, and working with the City of Coos Bay to review the suitability of a parcel of land within John Topits Park.
Mary Schoen-Clark, CEO of Oregon Coast Community Action hopes to work with the Airport regarding the land available for the project, and the City of Coos Bay on the parcel at John Topits Park, and expects a final decision on a property for the Community Campus will be available soon. type of lets you participate from your computer virtual “It is through the great auspices of the Coos County Board of Commissioners, the support of Sen. Verger, John Barton and many community leaders and friends, that Oregon Coast Community Action has been able to continue making our Community Campus a reality,” said Mary Schoen-Clark, CEO of Oregon Coast Community Action. “This $7 million dollar project will make a significant impact on the South Coast economy and help thousands of our neighbors in crisis. We’re also very excited to work with the City of North Bend as we continue to move this project forward.”
Comprised of a Head Start classroom building, the Community Food Resource Center and a Child & Family Resource Center, the Community Campus project will provide a centralized location for all of the crisis and family services provided through Oregon Coast Community Action. This campus will provide a “one-stop” service for families working to create a brighter future for themselves and their children.
ORCCA considered several parcels of land throughout the Coos Bay and North Bend areas for this project, but none of the parcels has so far met all of the project requirements. Verizon, the owner of a parcel recently under consideration for the project, refused the offer of purchase for a portion of the property at the appraised value. With the help of community organizations, local leaders, businesses, and especially the generosity of the Airport District, Ford Family Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust and many others – ORCCA will complete its Community Campus project and expand available services to local families.
Oregon Coast Community Action feeds, houses, warms and educates vulnerable children and families on the South Coast. For more information, to donate or volunteer, please visit www.orcca.us, or call 888-1574.
- Baleen Whale comes to Downtown Coos Bay!
- Access Inc News Summer 2010