Hunger Awareness Week activities at Family Fun day!

June 26, 2009

South Coast Hunger Awareness Week activities will kick off on July 4 in Coos County with a variety of fun events at Family Fun Day at Mingus Park! Families and community members are invited to learn about Kitchen Gardening, Healthy Kids activities and recipes, buy toys and games to support children’s programs at Oregon Coast Community Action or snag a snack off the grill sponsored by Northwest Natural Gas.

The week will include a variety of activities that will educate and raise the community’s awareness of hunger, while also offering the region an opportunity to celebrate food – our common need – as well as nutrition, family, community and generosity of spirit through a series of workshops, fun activities, fundraisers and more!

In a time of increasing food prices and a troubled economic future throughout the nation, families throughout the region are struggling harder than ever to make ends meet. But everyone in the community can help our neighbors in need by participating in South Coast Hunger Awareness Week.

With the support of cities in Coos and Curry counties, the week of July 4 –11 was officially proclaimed South Coast Hunger Awareness week. In the second year of this event, Community Action is very excited to be able to offer the region activities to celebrate food and learn more about hunger in our region. The activities were designed and coordinated through partnerships with local businesses, restaurants and many others!

Anyone can do their part to help their neighbors in need during South Coast Hunger Awareness week, by donating to the Care-A-Van food drive at 40 local businesses, attending activities, or participating in the signature fundraiser for Hunger Awareness Week – Dinner & A Movie. Community members can help feed hungry families in our region through the Dinner & A Movie event by eating at one of 12 local restaurants donating a portion of the proceeds during July 4-11, and attend the benefit showing of “Pay it Forward” at the Egyptian Theatre on July 10. For more information on Dinner & A Movie, please go to for a list of participating restaurants and more details!

“It’s not always easy to see how many people in our community are struggling with hunger – as so few of the truly vulnerable in our community are standing on street corners. Many of the people who access our South Coast Food Share pantries and meal sites are working full time or living on a fixed income,” said Mary Schoen-Clark, CEO of Oregon Coast Community Action. “South Coast Hunger Awareness week is a chance for the region to understand more about food insecurity and how the community can help neighbors, family and friends facing hunger.”

Join Community Action in recognition of those in our communities fighting against hunger every day and support South Coast Hunger Awareness week by participating in any of the events in your area, donating food or funds, or volunteering to help those in need in our community. To join the fight against hunger or for a detailed schedule of activities and events, please visit

Oregon Coast Community feeds, houses, warms and educates vulnerable children and families throughout the South Coast. For more information on opportunities or services, those interested can call 888-1574.

South Coast Hunger Awareness Week
A week of events designed to foster awareness of hunger & food insecurity in 
our region – and to celebrate food, nutrition, family & community, 
sponsored by Oregon Coast Community Action